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Sensory Art


Message from Monique

I want to share with you my point of difference with these designs and creations. Sensory Art gives reaction to our 5 senses bringing us to a feeling and place of mindfulness. Taking it right back to nature and what we humans all have in common as a tribe.


I would love you to follow my intentions



The quality or state of being conscious or aware of something. A mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts and bodily sensations.

Sight⏤vision is our strongest sense followed closely by sound. In your first reaction to something beautiful, you are strongly influenced by what you see. My handmade, unique pieces of art are made with love and the intention of mindfully enhancing the spaces in your home or place of meditation and quiet.

Sound⏤in a state of quiet and conscientiousness, you can hear each piece of  Deliberate Creation. With each twist of the cord, each knot made, each infused bead added—an affirmation is spoken.  A personal note is sent with every piece with the story of the affirmations woven within the piece. This makes each piece a deliberate creation of my own conscientiousness and intentions, of which I’m proud.

Smell⏤some of the stunning collection pieces I have created for Deliberate Creation, have wooden beads. These beads are infused with lavender or rosewater, making the piece come to life. Natural timber also used has its own unique bouquet adding to the therapeutic nature of sensory art and taking these pieces to the next level.

Taste⏤if you’re looking at this site, you obviously have good taste! And to add to this ‘Taste” heading some of my pieces are dyed in boiled avocado and rhubarb. Plus, the use of lavender and rosewater all helps to give sensory art it’s uniquely natural style and expression.

Touch⏤the dictionary describes touch as ‘the sense by which anything material is perceived’. With sensory art—the textural feel of merino wool, recycled cottons and fibres, natural timber, infused beads and woven jute make perfect use of our human sense of touch. An extremely important and fundamental part of my Deliberate Creation pieces.

I hope you enjoy my passion of Deliberate Creation.

Much love and respect,

M. ox